
20 Nov 2010

Bhotia Pony, Bidet Horse, Bigourdan Horse, Bityug, Black Forest Horse, Black Sea Horse, Blazer Horse,Boerperd and Bolivian Pony

Bhotia Pony


Also called Bhutia PonyBhote GhodaBhutan PonyBhutani, and Bhutua Pony, the Bhotia Pony is well suited to mountainous terrain that most other breeds could never navigate.


Found in Nepal, Bhutan and the Sikkim and Darjeeling regions of India. Similar to the native Tibetan pony and their bloodlines have crossed more than once. As a result it is not uncommon for the Bhutia, Spiti and Tibetan breeds to be called “Indian Country Bred” ponies.
Due to a lack of any regimented breeding programs and poor nutrition, these animals tend to be small and not as robust as breeds in lush areas.


Average height 13 – 13.2 hands


Neck is short and thick
Body is compact
Back is strong
Legs are coarse and hairy, but strong
Hooves are open at the heels
Mane and tail are very long and heavy

Traditional Colors

Occasionally chestnut or roan


Generally willing and quiet with strong character


Pack animal
Light agriculture work

Bidet Horse


The Bidet breed has long since been extinct & their presence in France was pre-Roman times. Their bloodlines play an important part in the Norman horse.
This is a stocky little breed that could do anything, but was primarily used as a saddle horse.
There is very little information about this ancient breed.

Bigourdan Horse


The Bigourdan horse is an Anglo-Arabian with Iberian influence descended from the Tarbes horse, and the Navarrine, (which is a direct descendant of the Andalusian).


An Anglo-Arabian, Navarrine blood was the most important additional bloodline, however their height was rarely above 15 hands. Early in the 19th century the blood of taller English Thoroughbred animals was added to the mix creating the Bigourdan breed.
Later this breed was dissolved through cross-breeding into the Selle-Francais breed of France.




The Bityug (or Bitcuk in Turkey) was a handsome trotting breed that originated in Russia by Tsar Pierre Le Grand.


Named for the Bityug River, this breed was developed from local Voronezh steppe horses crossed to Danish, Dutch & Orlov Trotter. The resulting individuals were then crossed with the Heavy Trotters from the same area & the breed developed into a capable, handsome horse with trotting strength and speed. They resembled other trotters of the area, but with a more classic head appearance.
By the early 20th century the breeds numbers were rapidly declining. Then by the end of the century agricultural demand grew for larger more robust animals and the Bityug was crossed with draft breeds & trotters. The resulting animals blurred type lines and was detrimental to the original bloodlines.
Local peasant farmers valued these animals and continued to breed them locally. Not to mention that stock from this breed was used to enhance many different bloodlines. The present day Voronezh horse retains many characteristics associated with the Bityug breed.


Average height 15 – 16 hands


Medium size & firm constitution

Traditional Colors

Grey | roan | pinto


Calm & intelligent


Cart horse
Enhancing other bloodlines

Black Forest Horse

Black Forest Horse


Also called Schwarzwälder KaltblutSt. Märgener, and Wälderpferd, the Black Forest Horse is a small, tough draft breed with a high fertility rate and a long life span.


This breed is similar in looks to a large Haflinger or a small Noriker and is well suited for the intense climate of the highlands.
In 1896 an association was formed to standardize and document the breed, it was established that only Belgian draft blood would be added to increase size. However many locals continued to use native stallions, wanting to preserve the characteristics they found valuable on their farms. During WWI the authorities realized that the Belgians were not suiting the needs of the locals and the studbook was opened to local stock.


Average height 14.2 – 15.3 hands
Nimble and lively


Short, refined head with small ears and large eyes
Short, muscular neck
Short back
Shoulders are powerful but not too bulky
Broad, deep chest
Legs are trim and strong with little feathering

Traditional Colors

Dark chestnut coat with a flaxen modifier | grey | bay


Good natured and gentle
Black Forest Horse


Carriage horse
Riding horses
Agriculture work

Helpful Links

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Where to Buy


Black Sea Horse


Also called the Chernomor, the Black Sea Horse is very rare and only a small number of pure blood still exist.


Native to the coastal areas of the Krasnodar region of Russia, the development of the Black Sea Horse began at the end of the 18th century.
They are of saddle type and carry Arabian, Nogai, Kabarda (among other mountain breeds), Don and Thoroughbred blood. Throughout the years a great deal of bloodline dilution has occurred in the hopes of strengthening the breed.
Three types
Massive – With blood of light draft breeds
Light saddle – Highly influenced by Arabian, Don and Thoroughbred blood
Local – Preserving traits of native mountain horses
Almost extinct in pure form and the stock has been absorbed into some of the other local breeds.


Average height 15 – 15.2 hands
Incredible endurance


Medium sized head with straight or slightly roman profile
Neck is medium in length and straight
Back is straight

Traditional Colors


Calm temperament


Riding horse
Agriculture work

Blazer Horse


The Blazer Horse was deveolped over a period of years by Neil Hinck from Star, Idaho. The result of his dream to breed a smart, strong, easy-moving and gentle working horse was a stallion he named Little Blaze.


The bred began in the late 1950′s and Little Blaze became the foundation sire, he lived to be 39 years old.
To be registered as a Blazer Horse, (even today) the horse must have at least one registered parent with a documented line to Little Blaze.
The Blazer is a low maintenance & highly adaptable horse who seems to excel at everything they try. Every horse that is registered as Blazer is scrutinized by a team from the registry & no horse is registered before age two.


Average height 13 – 15 hands


They are bred to exact muscle placement – length of back, length of cannon bone, and other characteristics that maximize its usefulness.

Traditional Colors

Blazer Horses must have a solid coat color with dark under-laying skin. Spotted coat patterns (appaloosapinto & roan) are not accepted into the registry.
black | chestnut | bay | dun | buckskin & palomino


Gentle & willing


Ranch work
Eventing Horse
Show Horse
Pleasure animal
Endurance horse

Helpful Links

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Blazer Horse
Blazer Horse Association

Where to Buy



Boer Horse


Also called South African Boerperd, and the Kaapse Boerperd, the Boer horse comes from the same stock as the Basuto pony. However the Boer is found in a much milder climate allowing them to grow more robust.


Originated from the Cape Horse of South Africa, this breed also displays characteristics of Flemish, Hackney and Cleveland Bay animals imported to the area.
The Boerperd Society of South Africa was established in 1973 to preserve and document the bloodlines of the breed. Today these animals are rare and found in isolated herds in Transvaal, Natal, Eastern Free State and the Cape Province.


Average height 14 – 16 hands
Calm and ambitious


Head has flat forehead and prominent eyes profile is straight or slightly concave
Neck is average length and well-formed
Legs are strong, dry and muscular
Hooves are hard and sound

Traditional Colors

black | chestnut | grey | bay | dun | palomino | pinto


Trustworthy and alert
Boer Horse


Agriculture work
Endurance horse

Helpful Links

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Cape Boerperd Breeders Society

Where to Buy

Boer Horse Studs


Bolivian Pony

Sunicho Horse


The Bolivian Pony or Sunicho is a tough little pony native to the highlands of Bolivia. Today their status is considered crucial & their numbers are very small.
Sunicho Horse


This breed is descendant from the Iberian horses and a close brother to the Criollo developed in Bolivia. They were very important for conveyance before the agricultural reform of the 1950′s, but since then have been replaced by the donkey.


Average height 12.2 – almost 13 hands
A handsome pony


Body is well-proportioned
Except for the neck, which is thin at the top & thick as it joins the chest
Shoulders & chest appear as one
Withers are prominent
Back is short & croup rounded

Traditional Colors


Pack animals

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